Saturday, November 14, 2015

fall 2015 meeting

Island Lake Property Owners Association
Director’s Meeting
September 5, 2015

Meeting called to order by President Tom Walker at 9:15 A.M.  Absent are V.P. Ed Publiski, and Directors Eric Rapp and Charlie

Eric Rapp has expressed to Tom Walker that he will need to step down as a director.  We will seek nominations at our Spring 2016

Tom has approved work being done on the easement on Oak Road near Jim Weeden.  Total owed to date to Bob McKinnon is $475.00.
  Motion by Eric Zimostrad and seconded by Jim Weed to approve paying for these improvements approved.

Eric Zimostrad has spent $500.00 for work done on an easement near his property.  Fabric and crushed stone has been put down on
 half of the easement.
It was agreed that Eric should be reimbursed.  Eric presented a bid to complete the job for another $300.00.  Eric moved that
 we pay Bob McKinnon to finish the job.  Seconded by Jim Weeden.  The motion carried.

Tom presented a letter he received from Dawn Hartell asking for the reimbursement of $35.00 spent to repair the dock on the Ogemaw
 Rd easement near Eric Rapp’s property.  This is a public easement.  Mike Mourdian motion to pay Dawn $35.00, seconded by Eric, approved.
Tom was unsure on how much he could spend without board approval.  Per our by-laws our secretary can spend up to $200.00 without
 approval.  There is no set amount for the President.  Mac Quinn made a motion to amend by-laws to show the President has the approval to spend up to $750.00 on ILPOA matters without board approval.  Seconded by Eric Z.  Motion approved.  The membership will
 need to vote on this by-law change.   We will notify the membership with our spring mailing of the proposed by-law change and vote on it at our Fall 2016 meeting.

Tom reported Doug Erwin will be taking over the boat races for Eric Rapp.  The races will begin at 2:00 p.m. Hotdogs will be grilled
 for those in attendance.  Tom turned in a bill to Mary Lou in the amount of $82.15 to cover the cost of hotdogs, gift certificates, etc. 

Meeting adjourned at 9:45 A.M.
Island Lake Property Owners Association
General Meeting
September 5, 2015

Called to order at 10:00 A.M. by President Tom Walker.  Following the Pledge of Allegience, roll call shows V.P. Ed Publiski,
 and Directors Eric Rapp and Charlie Black are absent. 
Our membership count is 98.

The minutes from our spring meeting were read.  Eric Zimostrad moved to accept the minutes as read.  Seconded by Jim Weeden.  Motion

Our Treasury report was given.  Eric Z. moved to accept the report as read. Seconded by Jim Weeden.  Motion approved.

One lady asked how to get minutes if they aren’t able to attend a meeting.  Mike Mourdian explained they can be found on our blog
 page which is

Mary Lou reminded members that she needs to get their e-mail addresses.

Tom Walker explained the work that has been done on two easements.  The easement on Oak has watershed problems.  The one on Ogemaw
 needed to have fabric and stone put in.

Tom will put up signs in both bulletin boards telling how to join our association as well as when and where to pay dues.

Wildlife reports were given by members in the audience.  2 large mouth bass were caught with lesions on them.  It is a Large Mouth
 Bass Disease.    A 41” pike was caught in the northern corner of the lake.  A 24” pike was caught near the resort about a month ago.  Carol Powell mentioned a swan and signets which were crossing her property from Loon Lake to our lake.  They were really struggling
 and turned back.  However, someone else reported they did make it to the lake. ARK was called and moved them to another lake for safety.  Some people are upset with the swans but it was noted that the swans keep the geese away.  Tom Mijal questioned why do
 people get involved with the swans at all.  Everything is controlled by the DNR.  Mike Larrison spoke up that it is natures way.

Reminder to remove the boats from the easements by November 1.  There was a question regarding what to do with boats not removed.
  The response was that we are not a policing group.  One response is that they will be moved to the top of the road.

Tom reported Doug Erwin will be taking over the boat races for Eric Rapp.  The races will begin at 2:00 p.m. Hotdogs will be grilled
 for those in attendance.  Doug also reported that the parade went well. 

Eric spoke about an e-mail he sent out looking for a chimney sweep.  He would like to make up a list of people who will provide
 different services for our properties.  If anyone knows of people get the information to Eric Zimostrad.

Doug Erwin spoke about some possible ideas for get togethers for our area.  Activities on and around the lake could include summer
 olympics, Charity walks, a carnival.

Bob and Robin McKinnon will deliver the Island Lake Pamphlets to the non member cottages. 

The Gnome is gone.  No one has seen him in quite a while. 

Tom reported, Sadly Clare Hulett passed away in late June.  Doug Erwin reported, as part of the activities for the Boat parade
 it is now to be know as the Clare and Clyde Hulett 4th of July parade.

Eric Z. motion to adjourn. Jim Weeden second. Meeting adjourned at 10:58 A.M.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so very much for posting the minutes Mike! We are very sorry to hear about Clare's passing.
