Monday, September 2, 2013

August 31, 2013 Unofficial minutes and Gossip

August 31, 2013 Unofficial minutes and Gossip

Appox 112 members
Treasurer  report that we have about $3500
We have 5 baby swans and extra pair of adults, Please don’t feed the swans as this causes them to fight.
Lots of perch were caught this winter, Many pike were caught this year.
Bears were spotted at the Hillcrest Lounge an on Guilford Ranch road, and Island lake resort
Annual Boat parade went off great as well as a new Parade of Lights at night this year
Arts and crafts show will be held on Saturday only this year
We need email addresses of every one to keep costs of mailings down and to inform members of important news
Returning Labor Day Boat races 3pm with free hot dogs
Boats are starting to appear at the easements again. Also some cars are being parked on the easements.
Water quality is still good. This is a chemical test and not a biological test. Please watch the use of fertilizers (no Phosphorus) Also check and make sure you septic is cleaned and working properly
Invasives!  Watch and pull out Purple loose Strife. This shoreline plant, which is very pretty, can spread quickly and fill the lake. Autumn olive is a silver leaf bush that also spreads quickly.
ORVs going through woods on west end of lake. This may cause closure of that area to walkers. Discussion on how to remedy the situation.
Check your property taxes and challenge them if too high.
New meeting time for the association will be at 10:00AM
Next meeting will be May 24th 2014

August 31, 2013 Unofficial minutes and Gossip


August 31, 2013 Unofficial minutes and Gossip

August 31, 2013 Unofficial minutes and Gossip

Appox 112 members
Treasurer  report that we have about $3500
We have 5 baby swans and extra pair of adults, Please don’t feed the swans as this causes them to fight.
Lots of perch were caught this winter, Many pike were caught this year.
Bears were spotted at the Hillcrest Lounge an on Guilford Ranch road, and Island lake resort
Annual Boat parade went off great as well as a new Parade of Lights at night this year
Arts and crafts show will be held on Saturday only this year
We need email addresses of every one to keep costs of mailings down and to inform members of important news
Returning Labor Day Boat races 3pm with free hot dogs
Boats are starting to appear at the easements again. Also some cars are being parked on the easements.
Water quality is still good. This is a chemical test and not a biological test. Please watch the use of fertilizers (no Phosphorus) Also check and make sure you septic is cleaned and working properly
Invasives!  Watch and pull out Purple loose Strife. This shoreline plant, which is very pretty, can spread quickly and fill the lake. Autumn olive is a silver leaf bush that also spreads quickly.
ORVs going through woods on west end of lake. This may cause closure of that area to walkers. Discussion on how to remedy the situation.
Check your property taxes and challenge them if too high.
New meeting time for the association will be at 10:00AM
Next meeting will be May 24th 2014

Friday, August 16, 2013

Fall 2013 meeting Aug 31 11am

August 15, 2013

Dear Island Lake Property Owners,

The Island Lake Property Owners Association will hold their fall meeting on Saturday, August 31, at 11:00 A.M. at the Trinity United Methodist Church in Rose City.  The directors will meet at 9:30 A.M.

It’s been a great summer, and we’re looking forward to fall and all the exciting things we do as the leaves begin to turn.

I understand the boat parade was a great success with the addition of the light parade that evening thanks to Clare Hulett and Eric Rapp.

The annual art sale is scheduled for Labor Day weekend at the corner of Oak and Dyer Roads.  I’m impressed with all the talented people we have on and around the lake.

Sunday, September 1, the Island Lake Boat Races will be held once again.  The races begin at 3:00 P.M.  Hot dogs will be provided.  There will be prizes for the winners.  The races will be on the north end of the island.  Come and join the fun.

We have several new home owners living on the lake this summer, and the meeting will be a good time to meet them.  If you have already met some of them, please invite them to this meeting.

2014 dues are due on or before October 1, 2013.  They still are $20.00 per year.

I look forward to seeing all of you at the meeting on Saturday, August 31.


Larry Sills

Saturday, June 1, 2013