Sunday, May 29, 2011

notes from the spring meeting 2011- unofficial

***Frontier , the phone company came to the meeting and spoke for about a half an hour.
1. They will be rolling out  DSL (high speed internet) around the end of Oct.
2. a 1 meg plan will be about $20
3. a 300' wireless router rents for $6
4 they have a 4 month seasonal plan

*** we have 106 members
*** last year we caught 10 pike one was 37" . so we will not stock fish this year
*** Oak wilt is a problem , don't prune oaks until after Oct 15
*** Issues at the beach, don't give the Host any money, Put it in the metal box, Also she can't give tickets
*** Tan Newspaper boxes should be removed
***Purple Lousstrife (sp) should be removed ...Very Invasive
*** don't park in the easments, its a fire lane
*** Boat parade is July 3 1:00pm  rain date July 4
*** Be reasonable about fireworks. Only a few days around the 4th
*** Ladies Lunch July 9th
*** Treas report .... we have over 4K in the bank for improvements/memberships/costs/ mailings
         Please turn in email to save ILPOA money
*** Swans have layed eggs. Need sign to warn people to stay away. ( I made one)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Springtime at Island Lake

The winter was long. The ice was late in departing, but the swans were back.

Slowly but surely things are coming alive at Island Lake.

Friday, May 20, 2011

There is a beaver!

A friend and I were up at our cabin the last weekend in April and saw a large wake on the lake. He said "look a beaver" and I told him there were a number of muskrats living in the area. As we watched the animal came out of the water and sat on a log. It was a beaver! We looked at it through binoculars and confirmed our sighting.