It is that time of the year when people are shutting down for the season. In the past there were various plans provided for vacation telephone service, but this past year Verizon sold our area coverage to Frontier, and we have become winners in this deal.
Vacation Telephone Serivce
We can put our land lines on vacation service with NO charges while it is on this plan. That's right. There is no minimum fee, and there is no charge for going on or going off the plan. Home numbers can now be placed on vacation rates up to 9 months a year.
Local calling
There are 2 plans for local calls. One is for unlimited calls, $23.42 base rate per month.
The other is for measured rate, $19.89 per month. With this, completed local calls are only
4 cents each. One would have to make 80 completed local calls a month to benefit from the unlimited calling plan.
The general number 888-232-3188 on the Frontier bill is a call center in Washington. Our area is served by a smaller center in Ft Wayne, Indiana, and there are unpublished contact numbers to reach that office. 877-462-8188
Even better I have dealt with a knowledgeble & helpful contact there. She has given me her direct line, and you may want to contact her yourself if you have any questions about your Frontier bill or may want to change your phone service. Tiffany can be reached directly at 888-960-6654 extension 24543. You will find her very helpful.