The Island Lake Pro0perty Owners Association will hold their annual spring meeting on Saturday, May 29, 2010 at 11:00 A.M. at Trinity United Methodist Church, 125 W. Main St., Rose City. We hope this will be a convenient location for all of our members. The directors will meet at 9:30 A.M.
We have had a mild winter at Island Lake. The ice left the lake one month earlier than usual. All indications are we will have a nesting pair of swans this year.
The economy is starting to show signs of improvement. Several homes around the lake have been sold, and we have some new neighbors. Hopefully, these new property owners will become an active part of our association.
The annual July boat parade will be held on Saturday, July 3. Clare Hulett will host this event again, and we are sure she will do her usual great job.
We have several minor by-law changes to be and read and voted on at this meeting.
If you would like to receive your mailings via e-mail, please send your address to Mary Lou at
The ILPOA is a property owners association that informally tries to enhance the enjoyment of the lake for everyone. Membership is voluntary and dues are only $20/year.