Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Birds of Island Lake
Birds of Island Lake and Surrounding Area
Common Name
Compiled by Mike Ryalls & Heather Sell
Updated 10/10/2010 - Page 1 of 1
Common Name
- Common Loon--
- Pie-Billed Greeb
- Great Blue Heron
- Green Heron
- Turkey Vulture
- Canada Goose
- Wood Duck
- Mallard
- Trumpeter Swan
- Lesser Scaup
- Bufflehead
- Common Goldeneye
- Common Merganser
- Osprey
- Bald Eagle
- Broad-winged Hawk
- Red-tailed Hawk
- American Kestrel
- Ruffed Grouse
- Wild Turkey
- Northern Bobwhite
- Killdeer
- Spotted Sandpiper
- Upland Sandpiper
- American Woodcock
- Ring-billed Gull
- Herring Gull
- Mourning Dove
- Eastern Screech-Owl
- Great Horned Owl
- Barred Owl
- Northern Saw-whet Owl
- Common Nighthawk
- Whip-poor-will
- Ruby-throated Hummingbird
- Belted Kingfisher
- Red-headed Woodpecker
- Red-bellied Woodpecker
- Downy Woodpecker
- Hairy Woodpecker
- Northern Flicker
- Pileated Woodpecker
- Eastern Wood-pewee
- Great Crested Flycatcher
- Eastern Kingbird
- Red-eyed Vireo
- Blue Jay
- American Crow
- Common Raven
- Horned Lark
- Purple Martin
- Tree SwallowBlack-capped Chickadee
- Tufted Titmouse
- White-breasted Nuthatch
- House Wren
- Brown Creeper
- Eastern Bluebird
- Wood Thrush
- American Robin
- Gray Catbird
- European Starling
- Cedar Waxwing
- Nashville Warbler
- Chestnut-sided Warbler
- Yellow-rumped Warbler
- Pine Warbler
- Kirtland’s Warbler
- Black-and-white Warbler
- American Redstart
- Ovenbird
- American Tree Sparrow
- Chipping Sparrow
- Field Sparrow
- Song Sparrow
- Lincoln’s Sparrow
- House sparrow
- Snow Bunting
- Rose-breasted Grosbeak
- Indigo Bunting
- Red-winged Blackbird
- Eastern Meadowlark
- Brown-headed Cowbird
- Baltimore Oriole
- Scarlet Tanager
- House Finch
- Common Redpole
- Pine Siskin
- American Goldfinch
- Evening Grosbeak
- Blue Grosbeak
Compiled by Mike Ryalls & Heather Sell
Updated 10/10/2010 - Page 1 of 1
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Frontier Telephone
It is that time of the year when people are shutting down for the season. In the past there were various plans provided for vacation telephone service, but this past year Verizon sold our area coverage to Frontier, and we have become winners in this deal.
Vacation Telephone Serivce
We can put our land lines on vacation service with NO charges while it is on this plan. That's right. There is no minimum fee, and there is no charge for going on or going off the plan. Home numbers can now be placed on vacation rates up to 9 months a year.
Local calling
There are 2 plans for local calls. One is for unlimited calls, $23.42 base rate per month.
The other is for measured rate, $19.89 per month. With this, completed local calls are only
4 cents each. One would have to make 80 completed local calls a month to benefit from the unlimited calling plan.
The general number 888-232-3188 on the Frontier bill is a call center in Washington. Our area is served by a smaller center in Ft Wayne, Indiana, and there are unpublished contact numbers to reach that office. 877-462-8188
Even better I have dealt with a knowledgeble & helpful contact there. She has given me her direct line, and you may want to contact her yourself if you have any questions about your Frontier bill or may want to change your phone service. Tiffany can be reached directly at 888-960-6654 extension 24543. You will find her very helpful.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Island Lake Art Show
The plans for the first island lake art show are coming together. It will be on Sept. 4th from
9 am to 5 pm. Bring any tables, chairs and displays that you may need. The location is the
NW corner of Oak and Dyer rds. A special thanks goes to Bob and Robin McKinnon for allowing us to use their property! Set-up will be Fri. evening or Sat morning.
Any questions, please call me at 989-685-3974
Clare Hulett
Monday, August 16, 2010
Fall 2010 Meeting
August 10, 2010
Dear Island Lake Property Owners,
The Island Lake Property Owners Association will hold their annual fall meeting on Saturday, September 4, 2010 at 11:00 A.M. The location is the Trinity United Methodist Church, 125 W. Main Street, Rose City, MI.
Our 2010 dues are to be paid on or before October 11, 2010. They can be paid at this meeting or by mail.
New copies of our by-laws will be available at this meeting. If you can’t make the meeting and would like a copy contact our secretary, Mary Lou Wisniewski 989-893-2086 or
The annual Island Lake Ladies Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 at the Willow Tree Restaurant in West Branch. The luncheon will begin at 12:00 Noon. All ladies from Island Lake are invited to attend. For more information or to RSVP please call Judy 989-685-2804 or Dawn 989-685-8771.
This has been a great summer at Island Lake. The weather has been near perfect. Unfortunately, we did not have any new swans this year. This is the second consecutive year without a family of swans
Special thanks to Clare Hulett for organizing another great boat parade this 4th of July. Also, thanks to Bill May for helping out in my absence.
These year Island Lake residents will have a craft show and sale during the Labor Day weekend. This show will be held on the corner of Oak and Dyer Roads. Check the bulletin boards for more information concerning the date and time.
I look forward to seeing you all on September 4th.
Larry Sills, President
Proof of Notice is hereby given of a meeting of the Island Lake Property Owners Association on Saturday, September 4, 2010 at 11:00 A.M. at the Trinity United Methodist Church, 125 W. Main Street, Rose City, MI.
Dear Island Lake Property Owners,
The Island Lake Property Owners Association will hold their annual fall meeting on Saturday, September 4, 2010 at 11:00 A.M. The location is the Trinity United Methodist Church, 125 W. Main Street, Rose City, MI.
Our 2010 dues are to be paid on or before October 11, 2010. They can be paid at this meeting or by mail.
New copies of our by-laws will be available at this meeting. If you can’t make the meeting and would like a copy contact our secretary, Mary Lou Wisniewski 989-893-2086 or
The annual Island Lake Ladies Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 at the Willow Tree Restaurant in West Branch. The luncheon will begin at 12:00 Noon. All ladies from Island Lake are invited to attend. For more information or to RSVP please call Judy 989-685-2804 or Dawn 989-685-8771.
This has been a great summer at Island Lake. The weather has been near perfect. Unfortunately, we did not have any new swans this year. This is the second consecutive year without a family of swans
Special thanks to Clare Hulett for organizing another great boat parade this 4th of July. Also, thanks to Bill May for helping out in my absence.
These year Island Lake residents will have a craft show and sale during the Labor Day weekend. This show will be held on the corner of Oak and Dyer Roads. Check the bulletin boards for more information concerning the date and time.
I look forward to seeing you all on September 4th.
Larry Sills, President
Proof of Notice is hereby given of a meeting of the Island Lake Property Owners Association on Saturday, September 4, 2010 at 11:00 A.M. at the Trinity United Methodist Church, 125 W. Main Street, Rose City, MI.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Calling all Arts and Crafts People
Any questions or suggestions
Please call or email Clare Hulett at:
2010 spring Meeting
April 20, 2010
Dear Island Lake Property Owners,
The Island Lake Pro0perty Owners Association will hold their annual spring meeting on Saturday, May 29, 2010 at 11:00 A.M. at Trinity United Methodist Church, 125 W. Main St., Rose City. We hope this will be a convenient location for all of our members. The directors will meet at 9:30 A.M.
We have had a mild winter at Island Lake. The ice left the lake one month earlier than usual. All indications are we will have a nesting pair of swans this year.
The economy is starting to show signs of improvement. Several homes around the lake have been sold, and we have some new neighbors. Hopefully, these new property owners will become an active part of our association.
The annual July boat parade will be held on Saturday, July 3. Clare Hulett will host this event again, and we are sure she will do her usual great job.
We have several minor by-law changes to be and read and voted on at this meeting.
If you would like to receive your mailings via e-mail, please send your address to Mary Lou at
I look forward to seeing all of you on May 29th.
Larry Sills, President
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