Friday, October 23, 2009

Rain Rain and More Rain

October has to be the wettest month in memory here at the lake.
With it, most of the leaves have come down, especially the maple and the poplar. The sturdy red and whit oaks hold on well into November.
Many on the conifers have dropped needles, too. Some say there is even a chance of snow today but it is more likely rain. The lake level is up noticeably and the outlet is flowing freely.

Monday, October 19, 2009

This may be the prettiest time of the year

Island Lake in October. The lake is calm. The sky is blue. The trees are alive with color.
And in 2 weeks I close for another season and dream about spring.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Muskrat of Island Lake

I have heard stories about a beaver that patrols the shoreline in the early morning and at nightfall, but I had never seen it. I was skeptical, as there was no evidence of any beaver activity in the surrounding areas.

This morning I saw what must have been the beaver, as the tail working its way through the water sure seemed like a beaver's tail, but then he climed out of the water and onto the beach, and I could see that, out of the water, the tail was long and flat but not so wide as a beaver's. He was smaller, too, but the water mammal appearance is easily confused with that of his look alike.

With fewer people here at this time of the year, the wildlife seems less shy about letting themselves be seen in open spaces, and it is a treat for those of us who remain, who enjoy seeing them.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Swan Lake

There is a congregation of swans at the west end of the lake this week, sometimes as many as 12 and more often half that amount, and the fussing and fighting is loud and frantic. I suppose it is a territorial war with the two juveniles who claimed Island Lake in 2009, fighting off their siblings and potential rivals to the space. Now is the time to collect quills, as white feathers abound.

The leaves are turning nicely and are beginning to fall more regularly. The rain and cold of the last week seems to be coming to an end, and there is a break we all can look forward to as the week end approaches. Those who held off closing cottages may be doing it this Columbus Day week end. As I walk around the lake, I keep an eye on the cottages and all seems to be well. There is an open window here and a light left on there, but all seems to be in order.